New Affiliated Package: kalasiris
The kalasiris library is a Python library to wrap functions and functionality for the Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS). It is a successor to the older pysis Python library.
The kalasiris library is a Python library to wrap functions and functionality for the Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS). It is a successor to the older pysis Python library.
At the upcoming 5th Planetary Data Workshop PlanetaryPy's Michael Aye will give a talk about The PlanetaryPy Project. The talk and slides are available. and we (the PlanetaryPy Project) will be hosting a Birds-of-a-Feather session about PlanetaryPy at the meeting on Thursday (1 July 2021) at 10:45 AM PDT / 1:45 PM EDT / 5:45 PM UTC.
The pvl package is a Python implementation of a PVL (Parameter Value Language) parser and encoder. An older version of this package has been existant under the planetarypy GitHub org since 2015, but this version is not only modernized, it is also the first official PlanetaryPy Affiliated Package under the modern PlanetaryPy Project!
This marks the day that the initial commit was made to the Tecnical Committee (TC) repository within the planetarypy GitHub org. Although individuals had been working for some time prior to this to conceive of a modern PlanetaryPy Project that mirrored the Astropy Project, this commit is when that work got a little more concrete.